Generic introduction post

March 25, 2007 at 11:29 pm | Posted in the otaku spot | 2 Comments

After a few months of mixed feelings, I decided to make a blog about one of my most loved hobbies of all; anime and manga. Expect some generic anime reviews and manga reviews, and even some posts about video games, real life rants, and some Japanese media occassionally.

My taste in anime and manga is a very open one, yes. I love cute series, serious series, tragic series, happy series – any series that breaks the mold of stereotypical characters and makes something new out of them (now, that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy some generic mainstream every now and then…). It wasn’t until now that I decided to start up an anime blog – I wanted to share my opinions on different anime with other people within the safety of the internet.

That there ends this generic post… of introduction.

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